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PostPosted: Fri 11:55, 25 Mar 2011    Post subject: (How To) Manifest What You Want

To truly manifest what you really want in your life, you want to accept this one fact, and that is that you are a creator!! You want to believe this and operate from this truth: I am a creator! I am the one who holds the paint brush in front of a blank canvas making the brush strokes and designing the masterpiece of my life. Once you believe this and get excited about what it means, you’re half way there. This is your half of the equation – to believe that you are a creator; that you are surround by and attracting, through your thoughts, the essence of what you think about. You can think of your thoughts as magnetic, attracting the match to the dominant and energized thoughts that you hold.
The other half of the equation is up to the universe in the form of the invisible laws operating all the time. The law that works with you in manifesting what you want is the Law of Attraction (LOA). It permeates the entire universe all the time and does not discriminate against your thoughts no matter what they are. It attracts accordingly, the essence of your thoughts. Whether you are thinking about what you do want or focusing thoughts and energized emotion on what you do not want and wish would go away, does not matter to the law of attraction. Focus your thoughts (attention) on something and fuel it with you emotions and you’re inviting it into your life. Just think when you spend the day complaining you have to know that you are attracting more to show up in your life to complain about. Likewise when you spend the day appreciating and raving about all that you do have and all that is wonderful in your life, you are attracting more to show up for you to appreciate and rave about. You may say, it can’t be that simply. Oh, but it is. You are living, moving and being in an attraction based universe. The laws of the universe are simple,burberry, very profound and exact.
Once you step into the role of creator through your thoughts (attention) it becomes essential that you deliberately think the thoughts that will attract (the essence of) the experiences, people, events and situation you really do want. Getting the correlation between what you think and what manifest is the “magic” if you will, of manifesting what you want. You want it and say “yes! I would like the new job, to travel, fulfillment in my relationship, greater intimacy, compatible friends, and more money” through the focus of your thoughts you attract it. You say No!! No way, I don’t want this crappy job, to be fired, to stand up for myself, to move, and again through your thoughts you attract it. Holding a dominant and energized thought for a period of time includes it into your vibration which becomes the magnet for the Law of Attraction to bring it into your experience.
Given the simplicity of the law and its profound power and accuracy, it becomes important to think thoughts about what you do really want. What will magnetize your thought is your feeling about it. When you want to manifest what you want, for example a vacation to Greece, feel how you feel about it…excited, joy, peace, wonder and awe then you’ve energized your thought to attract it. However, if you want the vacation to Greece but feel worry about how to do it, anxious about not being able to pay for it or using your credit card, you have the feeling of fear and worry behind it. Those feelings let you know that you are not in alignment for what you really want. Maybe a different vacation will feel energized with the Greece vacation planned for another time. What I’m saying is having a positive thought alone it not enough to bring what you want. You want an authentic positive feeling to match your thought which the Law of Attraction will match.
Long time I go I read the statement; you are the one, who thinks the thoughts, that creates the things in your life. Over the years, I have found this to be true. We want to blame others for the experiences and situations in our lives because its easier to point the finger “out there” at “them” rather than embrace how powerful we are, how powerful our thoughts are and that on some level we have a part in creating our lives. It’s too bad, because ignorance of the laws of the universe does not stop their effect in our lives. I know it’s hard because in reality, it’s all invisible and thus not as easy to recognize compared to texting while driving and being in an accident. You can see the correlation because it’s visible and very tangible. But when you really think about much of what we hold dear to us is invisible: love, joy, peace, wisdom, fulfillment, happiness, laughter all of it is invisible. So it only makes sense that the laws that govern our experiences here on planet earth also be invisible.
Thinking about lack, poverty and not enough is not the match for the greater money, prosperity and abundance you want. On the other hand fear, worry, doubt won’t attract the inner peace and joy you so deeply desire to experience. Actually these are example of being out of alignment with what you really want to attract. It also answers the question of how come the law of attraction doesn’t seem to work as many people felt after The Secret. When you are not aligned in your thoughts and, here’s the other essential ingredient, feelings/emotions towards what you want, it counters what you desire. What will fuel your thought, or as I like to think of it, what will energize your thoughts are your feelings.
It’s your thoughts energized by your feelings that will attract what you really want. How to manifest what you really want? spend your time getting your thoughts and feelings aligned and then hold those thoughts and feelings, without attachment, until it arrives. Think about what you want and then feel how you feel about it. When you feel excited, happy, in joy, tickled, or at peace with the thought, you’ve lined up your vibration for, the essence of it, to show up – then let the law of attraction do the rest.

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