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PostPosted: Fri 17:02, 25 Mar 2011    Post subject: Courage - A Defining Moment

Love is For-Giving
Recently, 40 United States billionaires pledged half their wealth to charity. Known as, ‘The Giving Pledge,’ this idea was introduced by Bill Gates and Warren Buffett, July 2010.
Humanity can express gratitude and quicken the benefits of this wealth or, judge the past and delay it. I interpret this pledge reflects the authentic Shift of the Ages in action.
During former World Age Shifts, people remained separate, fought over diminishing resources and perished. Markers left by ancient ancestors, InCourage us to unite and restore harmony now, as human mis-creations for tens of thousands of years or longer, surface for us to end unloving human interaction.
Mainstream media rely on invective attacks to drive traffic. For this reason, media inflame rather than inform; to get and hold as many followers as possible, to increase ratings and sustain presence. Knowing this, are you willing to detach from judgment, criticism, blame, shame or complaining, as inflammatory news and perceived injustices are reported? Why? To liberate Conscious Infinite Light in your life and our world, to set us free.
Courage Is a Defining Moment
Why is courage a defining moment in the life of every human? Basically, it requires a lot of courage to see ourselves, others and perceived adversity, through a compassionate heart and without judgment. [Power versus Force by Dr. David Hawkins, M. D.,burberry bags, Ph. D.]
This World Age Shift we are passing through, in conscious awareness of it, was foretold long ago by many indigenous cultures like, The Hopi, Maya, Egyptians, Aztecs, Essenes, Native Americans and others. This RARE Shift is an opportunity to willingly remove the armour around our hearts, for harmony and peace to be restored by us, instead of to us.
Infinite Light is all there is; described scientifically as fundamental electromagnetic quantum energy and spiritually as Consciousness, God, Spirit, unconditional Love or other Name. More recent Names:
? The Field by author Lynne McTaggart
? Matrix by Max Planck, physicist and Father of Quantum Physics
? Nature’s Mind by Dr. Edgar Mitchell Navy Captain, Apollo 14 astronaut, Founder of the Institute of Noetic Sciences
? Mind of God by Dr. Stephen Hawking Theoretical Physicist
? Quantum Hologram by physicists.
As a spark of Infinite Light, intention real or imagined and where you place your attention; Infinite Light is liberated into action. As people suffer flood, fire, earthquakes, unplanned catastrophes, economic crisis, joblessness, homelessness, hunger, drought and more, 'us versus them’ is no longer sustainable. How each of us responds, as the past transforms like caterpillar in a chrysalis now, determines how this Age closes and a New World begins. For ease and grace in your life and our world, ask Soul to help you see through the eyes of a compassionate heart and without judgment.
Re-write the Codes of Reality
Our Body Mind Soul EVOLved this World Age in a veil of forgotten truth, like butterfly in a chrysalis. As a New World advances, the veil thins for us to re-write the codes of reality. How? Through collective resonance - a physics phenomenon where two oscillating bodies synchronize, or lock into phase. This means, when you consciously choose a neutral response to perceived adversity, you become a bridge to new possibilities for others to cross into a New Conscious World.
Will you try this? Relax into the moment by taking one or more slow deep breaths. Now, recall a person, event or circumstance you mildly dislike. Take another deep breath and give yourself permission to acknowledge and FEEL the fear, judgment or other feelings within. As you FEEL the e-motion, breathe and re-member your own heart aware inner truth, ‘Body Mind Soul is a Spark Of Unconditional Love;
Conscious Infinite Light quantum energy in action now.’
In present moment awareness, allow the energy of what you FEEL to simply be. Without judgment, criticism, blame, shame, complaining and, without trying to fix or change anyone or anything, you are egoless Soul unconditional Love, the fundamental nature of limitless Infinite Light.
When e-motion is strong, due to deep attachment to something other than egoless Soul unconditional Love, it may require you to neutralize fear or negative feelings more than once. Gently keep trying, until inner peace prevails. As you allow others their freewill choice, and allow the outcome of all former unloving choices without judgment, you hold more Infinite Light, for ease, grace and more joy to find you.
Liberate Light
The Hopi said, ‘We are the ones we have been waiting for.’ This suggests, that until individuals re-member Conscious Infinite Light is all there is and see beyond ‘us versus them’, we hold apart from ourselves enduring peace, harmony, our greatest desires, wellness, abundance and a greater destiny for all.
E-motion, quickens outcome. As a New World comes toward us, time collapses into now of Soul and our responses negative or positive act like a boomerang. As you awaken consciously to heart aware inner truth, life happens BY YOU instead of to you. Feel compassion for all who suffer. Ask your Soul how you can assist people under tremendous duress now. Ask for relief and whatever is for the highest good of all to be swift.
To transform limitation into liberation requires a critical mass of people to awaken consciously and choose egoless Soul unconditional Love; to liberate Infinite Light to do the heavy lifting, and set us free to journey into the heart of a New Conscious World. Oma Ka Om.
Doreen Agostino, CEO
Align Shine Prosper Inc.

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