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PostPosted: Fri 13:30, 25 Mar 2011    Post subject: Failure is Not Fatal!

I know that, for many people, the number one fear in life is supposedly public speaking! In my opinion, right 'up there’ on the list, is the fear of failure! I hear this all the time and it drives me crazy.
"Don’t be afraid to fail. Don’t waste energy trying to cover up failure. Learn from your failures and go on to the next challenge. IT’S OK TO FAIL! If you’re not failing, you’re not growing." – H. Stanley Judd
When I started working with my new business coach a year and a half ago, I learned a lot about video marketing. I resisted this medium for quite some time and now, looking back, I am a bit embarrassed about the reasons for that. As a woman, I am sure many of you can relate.
I like to succeed at everything I do! If there is one thing that I have learned over the years, it is that failure is NOT fatal. I have also learned that practice does not make perfect – there is no such thing as perfection – there is only improvement.
A core belief that has held me back (in the past) is that everything I did had to be perfect. I can tell you that I now know one thing for sure – step boldly into your future, try new things,Burberry Scarfs, take risks and, when you fall (and you WILL fall and you WILL make mistakes) – get right back up, brush yourself off and get in the game.
Here are a few of my basic rules for growing and improving.
1. Try, try, and try again.
2. Have fun while you are trying.
3. When you fall down – make a mistake – fail at something – go back to rule #1.
4. If fear really is paralyzing you, then find someone who will help you (get yourself a good coach, like I did!).
5. Control your self-talk to be positive and uplifting – focus on what you CAN do – rather than on the fear of 'what might happen if……".
6. Visualize the end result – and so what if it is not perfect. Just get 'er done! And get over it.
7. Celebrate! Then move on to the next thing………
"In some attempts, it is glorious even to fail." – Longinus
It is important, both in business and in our personal lives, to take risks. Often, when feeling the fear of trying new things, it is more about our comfort zone than it is about intelligence or any other factor. The good news is that you can stretch your comfort zone and become bigger than that which scares you!
The fear of failure is self-imposed. That’s the good news! It’s all in the way we think about something. So, change the way you think and then you change your performance.
1. Identify one thing you will do this week that you have been postponing because of fear of failure.
2. Set a date – and get 'er done.
3. Add that to your Success List, celebrate and move on to another item.
You can develop the confidence and courage to grow your business by getting past the fear of failure.. You have the power! You will be much more confident and successful in the overall scheme of things.

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